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<fieldset legend="Kapitel 455 - King of the Depths: The Shichibukai, Gekko Moria">
<fieldset legend="Kapitel 456 - Titel bislang unbekannt; Quicktrans by ''archanfel'' von AP">
Front Piece: Enel’s Space Epic vol. 22 “Revenge of the Doctor!! A time when men must do what men must do” The space pirates and 4 other guys stand blocking his way
To purify a zombie you throw salt into his/its mouth;<br>
When their shadow is stolen, the original owner will go into a coma for about 3 days. If the original owner dies, the shadow dies as well;<br>
5 years ago Brooke lost to Ryuuma at Thriller Bark;<br>
Franky asks Brooke's reason to keep on living and is touched by his answer and starts crying;<br>
Brooke confronts Ryuuma, saying this time he will win and sth like "the flesh is different so it seems impossible"; (not too clear the meaning here)<br>
In the past Moria lost to someone in the New World, for that reason he's been searching for strong body/shadow since;<br>
In a northern continent he found a satisfying body, he's been waiting for a shadow worthy of this #900 ever since;<br>
Starting from where Talaran is beheaded<br>
Seems by end of the chapter we will be granted a glimpse of 900, which is a huge monster currently stored in a heavily locked frozen room.<br>
Talaran: ….ahhh!!<br>
Franky: Not yet, the guy you beheaded is a zombie.. he’s still standing<br>
Talaran: you…… hm? Wait!!? aren’t you…
Brook: YOHOHO… don’t worry… I’ll deal with it
Franky: Deal with it?
Brook: even Zombies have a weak point!
Talaran: Ah..ahhh..ahh!! AHHHHH!!!
Something black comes out from Talaran’s mouth
Franky: what the hell is that!!
Brook: That’s the zombie’s soul...
Franky …soul!? but it just came out right before our eyes..
Brook: now, return!! to the master of the depths!!!
The soul flies off and Talaran falls
Zombies: gyaahh!! Talaran-Taichou* (*captain)!!! Taichou!!! Taichou is down!!!
Franky: You completely stopped him…. what did you do!?
Brook: I purified him.
Zombies: Look!! There’s no doubt… that’s… Hanauta!!! That’s the guy who came to Thriller Bark 5 years ago and screwed everything up!!! We have to go report to the master!!!
The Zombies run away
Brook: ah… this spider’s thread is strong against a sword but weak to fire.
Franky: yeah, it’s melting (erupting flames melt the thread). Mugiwara and the others were kidnapped!! You know a lot about this island, don’t you…
Brook: Yes, but… what should I say… if they’ve already been captured, the possibility is high that it’s too late..
Franky: Whaat!!? too late!?
Brook: w… well, don’t yell at me please, I’ll get confused!! Because I’m a skeleton I don’t have any face after all.. YOHOHO!! SKULL JOKE!!! (note: this _is¬_ a pun in Japanese, note the same kanji 面 for face in the two words there)
Franky has a priceless face on – he looks like he’s about to attack Brook
Robin: Cut it out, he’s already dead (Robin makes a joke!?! omg)
Brook: …anyway listen to me without messing around. It’s just like I tried to tell you on the ship, but was unable to steer you away
when I began wandering around on this sea dozens of years ago… I thought I wanted to escape the demon of this ocean.. my rudder was broken and I was carried about on the tides endlessly.
Then by chance… a little more than 5 years ago probably, just like it did to you and your crew, Thriller Bark called out to me
Wanting to escape the Demon Triangle no matter what, I walked around on this island looking for parts to fix the rudder, but
all that I found was simply monsters and Zombies. Eventually, I was captured and brought to this building, together with one of the Dancers who I had seen during the fight
He was carried off and what they called his dead body was patched up. As I looked over towards him I saw a frightening giant had appeared
The man’s shadow was torn off!! It was amputated!!!
Franky: he…. amputated the shadow!?
Brook: before long I would fall to the same fate, but… the man whose shadow was taken fell in place.. whereas the shadow that was taken on the other hand
was implanted into the unmoving corpse. and then.. it’s hard to explain…
what was just a corpse, or so I thought… started moving!!
Franky: What the hell!?
Brook: Well, the shadows… the person into which they are placed follow the movements of that soul…
the shadow you defeated… yes… essentially.. .souls will absolutely not change from when you are born to when they die.
That giant has the power to take your soul and alter that absolute rule.. he’s the king of the depths, Shichibukai Gekko Moria!!!
Franky: a Devil Fruit huh
Brook: He only needs a dead body and a shadow to bring forth a Zombie, but
the greater danger here is the ferocity of the creatures Dr. Hogback puts together
using his medicine, he has collected and resurrected legendary warriors from around the world…
and he has countless more stored away in his freezer!
Robin: Dr. Hogback… the famous surgeon… I can’t believe he’s been here, helping out pirates ever since the incident of his disappearance
Franky: But, well, the Zombies… they can move even though they haven’t been resurrected, right
Brook: Correct. The personality or the battle ability is completely transferred from the shadow’s owner
but the overall toughness is dependent upon the body’s physical strength. When a strong body is fused with a strong shadow, an even stronger Zombie warrior is born.
that’s why Moria is eagerly after those with bounties on their heads.
Franky: I see… that’s why he was after us.
Robin: So that’s the whole story of Thriller Bark…
The most common attribute among Moria’s Zombie is most likely their obedience. It would seem the more powerful warriors would have difficulty being so obedient.
Brook: Indeed…. he doesn’t need any shadows that are as strong as him who won’t listen to what he says
for people that strong, he just throws them into the ocean once they lose consciousness
Franky: ehh!! Then he’s in danger!!!
Brook: It’s alright for now!! We have time. For now, I know the best way to proceed, so believe in me and follow what I do, please!!
The scene changes
Subordinates: Masterrr~~~!!! The three mysterious people have arrived!!
Moria: …they’re early… enter
The three mysterious people (Hogback, Absalom, Perona) arrive before Moria
Moria: oh, you guys came? kishishishi!! hurry up and make me the pirate king!! immediately!!!
King of the Depths, Shichibukai Gekko Moria. Original Bounty 320 Million Beri
Motto: Relying upon others for one’s own objective||Favorite phrase: You do it!!
The captured Luffy. Luffy within a cage.
Moria: What is the pirate king!! The one to become pirate king is me!!!
Luffy: Oi!!! Untie this string!!!
Usopp, Nami, Chopper, Sanji, Zoro… give ‘em all back!! Where’d they go!!!
Moria: Oi, Mugiwara no Luffy… you just put a lot of names in front of me… we’re only after three of your guys the pirate hunter Zoro… and the other one I sent out search orders for is the blonde-haired guy
Luffy: hm? Blonde-Haired… must be Sanji….
Nami and the other two are inside Bearsy. The back zipper is up.
Chopper: Whaaat!? Hey, Sanji and Zoro were captured…
Usopp: no… no way… and Luffy was captured too!?
Nami: h… how did that monster trio get captured right off the bat?!
Hogback: what happened to those three, Perona! (Nami and the others).. the Risky Brothers were supposed to bring them…
Perona: They didn’t bring them to Bearsy. Didn’t they run away in the middle of the delivery!?
Usopp: um…
Perona: I told you not to open your mouth!!
Absalom: You’re too strict with Bearsy. But, among those three my bride seems to have caused a sort of rebellion in the middle of your garden.
….hm? hey wait a sec.. Hogback you asshole!! did you touch my bride!!?
Cindry: Your bride isn’t going to come
Absalom: What are you!! Cindry!
Hogback: oh…. hey, hey Cindry-chan.. you’re just making the conversation worse!! and why are you appearing in front of other people…
Cindry: She won’t come for you either.
Hogback: gehhh!!! that hurt!! I was absolutely not thinking that!!!
Moria: Cut it out Cut it out, all your complaining is bothering me!! If the pirates ran away, you guys can do something about it later!!!
I brought you all here now because we must commemorate our grand battle potential!!!
Subordinates: Master!! The pirate is trying to destroy the cage by eating it!!
Luffy: You captured me, now what are you going to do !!!!
Absalom: fufu… ( makes a pose like when he defeated Sanji)
Perona: Cut it out Absalom, I’ll stop you in the middle of this room!!
Luffy: You think you can capture me, idiot!?
Perona: Negative Hollow!! (The ghost flies after him)
Luffy: If I’m born again.. I want to become a sea cucumber… I want to die…
Absalom: A man who just said he wanted to become pirate king now wants to become a sea cucumber.. that’s brutal (sweating)
Luffy is tied up again
Moria: A light is hitting him!!!
Luffy: What are you doing… damnit… I remember you guys!!!
gashhhh (Moria grabs Luffy’s shadow and begins to extract it)
Luffy: whaaa.. huh!? What is that… my shadow!?
shiiiing!! (the sound of scissors cutting)
Luffy loses consciousness
Moria: fufufu…. kishishishishi
I’ve got it now!! The 300 Million fighting power!!! With this, the strongest zombie in all of history will be born!!!
end for this week

Version vom 18:06, 15. Mai 2007

Keine Spoilerpics


Kapitel 456 - Titel bislang unbekannt; Quicktrans by ''archanfel'' von AP

To purify a zombie you throw salt into his/its mouth;
When their shadow is stolen, the original owner will go into a coma for about 3 days. If the original owner dies, the shadow dies as well;
5 years ago Brooke lost to Ryuuma at Thriller Bark;
Franky asks Brooke's reason to keep on living and is touched by his answer and starts crying;
Brooke confronts Ryuuma, saying this time he will win and sth like "the flesh is different so it seems impossible"; (not too clear the meaning here)
In the past Moria lost to someone in the New World, for that reason he's been searching for strong body/shadow since;
In a northern continent he found a satisfying body, he's been waiting for a shadow worthy of this #900 ever since;

Seems by end of the chapter we will be granted a glimpse of 900, which is a huge monster currently stored in a heavily locked frozen room.


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